Monday, October 27, 2008

Odd but true:

Jay Brinson to Coach Superintendents
Ted Dunagan 23.OCT.08
Jasper County School Superintendent Jay L. Brinson has been selected by the Georgia Superintendent of Schools as a “Coach” for new superintendents of schools.

The purpose of the “Coaching Program” is to help new school superintendents develop skills and experience to become better at their job.

On the agenda of their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening the board approved the following personnel issues: the resignation of Early Johnson, Custodian, HS; the termination (due to contract abandonment) of Ashley Adams, Spanish Teacher, HS and Alona Smith, Graduation Coach, HS. Four overnight field trips were also approved by the board. Board Chair Phyllis Norwood, and Mr. Brinson accepted a check for $1,800 from Central Georgia EMC for community development.

Also, Mr. Brinson announced the new pre-school is complete and ready for occupation, and a dedication and official opening will take place on the afternoon of November 9.

Concerning financial information, Mr. Brinson reported the SPLOST which went into effect December, 2005, was projected to produce $80,000 per month to make payments on bonds used to build the new high school and pre-school.

However, since inception, the fund has averaged yielding more than $90,000 per month. The funds are deposited in a special account which to date has paid $93,034 in interest.

Also, monthly reports showed a total enrollment of all schools to be 2,060, well within the projection for staff.

The attendance report summary was within normal range, and the Monthly Student Health Services Report reported 521 students were treated and returned to class and 179 were screened for Scoliosis, among many other health care checks.

The superintendent indicated there was no need for the board to go into executive session and the meeting was adjourned.

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